Wednesday, January 4, 2017

In-service Day

Today is our in-service day and we had a county-wide motivational speaker, Christian Moore. The speaker was very inspiring and I feel as though what he said will help me when reacting to situations in the classroom concerning behavior issues. Unfortunately, the morning did not start well when a lady teacher almost crashed her car into mine in the college parking lot (the meeting was held at Hiwassee College) and then yelled at me that it was my fault, that I was parked in the driveway. Hey, it was pitch dark outside and I had no idea I was not in a parking spot. Well, I moved the car up under the trees in the front row and tried to calm my nerves. Tomorrow is the first day back for the students. I am over prepared with seating charts, syllabus, pre-test, New Year's activity, and Genius Project proposal. Hopefully, these students will share my excitement about life!!

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